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Stress and Hope

October 10, 2022

It’s been very stressful lately with everything that is going on.  Usually, I am very strong but it has been some days now that I feel the earth shaking beneath my feet and that is not an emotion I really like.  As a person that really likes the joy of life, I don’t really understand or to be more accurate I don’t want to understand the motives behind war, inflation, economic hardship etc.  Being always on the optimistic side, I decided to take action and make me feel better.

Action 1:  A call to my Mum!  Works every time!  She managed to soothe my soul with just two words of hers

Action 2: I am very close to buy a real life size Zebra and put it outside the shop!  Why I hear you asking?  Dunno!  Maybe by making it look more exotic it will make others and myself to feel better.  All it remains now is to convince my partner in crime that this is actually a good idea 🙂

Stress and Hope

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