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News, events, thoughts and mainly feelings….

Try n Fail?
October 11, 2022
It was absolutely fascinating day today in my studio at the shop . Wonderful journey thru the process of trying something new. I like to experiment, to discover, i even like to fail – from the fails i learn the most ! First lesson from today – …
Stress and Hope
October 10, 2022
It’s been very stressful lately with everything that is going on.  Usually, I am very strong but it has been some days now that I feel the earth shaking beneath my feet and that is not an emotion I really like.  As a person that really likes the j…
Floral Stamps
October 5, 2022
Maybe working with clay it is a seasonal thing for me after all.  I was having these floral tablets in my mind even when I was shaping the angels last week.  Couldn’t decide though what shape would be the best.  Rectangle?  Square?  Circle?  So I …
Pale or Bright?
September 22, 2022
Started my day not sure if I was going for pale or bright tones today.  The answer as you can see was blue with a hint of gold…even on my hands!
September 16, 2022
Not entirely sure why but I make angels only in autumn like it is their season to sprout or maybe because Christmas approaching?  Don’t know!  What I know for sure though is that the first dozen only lasted a couple of hours on the window before t…
Autumn Vibes
September 12, 2022
Flowers is my other big passion…..Autumn is here….what better than a bouquet with figs and grapes?
Her Majesty
September 9, 2022
As a person born in communist country, raised in a young democracy country, I do not really understand constitutional monarchy system but i do understand a loss of a beloved to many. Sleep well Her Majesty The Queen
August 30, 2022
Let me introduce you to the new love of my life….my sweet little Freya. On a normal day, she won’t stop jumping around, digging holes and meshing things up but today I just whispered on her ear that she is going to be famous…. I think that her…
New Beginnings!
August 23, 2022
“Just do what you do and I will just let the world know what you’re doing”….. That’s what he said….it doesn’t sound that difficult…does it? Well….it is…trust me…it very much is! Anyway, I am here now and thank you for being here too! Since this is…