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• Photography •

Photography for me is not always about capturing a moment in time.  The most of the times, I just make some strokes on a piece of paper and then starting to experiment on it or even play with it until I’m happy with the result. Photographs are not for sale at the moment as I don’t see it professionally….still.  If you like what you see though and you would like to use it, please feel free to steal away.  I got one demand though.  Please drop me a message when you do it.  It will make me more than happy to know how many of you are appreciating them 🙂


Freshly cut logs, gathering up and contesting which is the more unique one Items in that category are not for sale

Alfia of the Dawns

Queen Alfia, a young girl chosen by destiny to lead her people on the path of freedom.  The warrior queen of my dreams Items in that…

Being weak make us strong

We might look weak and fragile but don’t get fooled.  That is just the game we play Items in that category are not for sale

Birds Meetup

Gather up guys!  The weekly meeting is about to begin.  I am listening.  Who’s got the hottest tweet to share? Items in that categor…

Bring the Harvest

Harvesting time approaching fast.  The colour says it all Items in that category are not for sale

Carnival in Autumn

Autumn leaves in a good mood waiting for the snow to cover them

Club Med Favela

Have you ever seen the beautiful back side of favourite holiday destinations or you are the all inclusive type of tourist?


It was a beautiful Sunday morning but it was so cold Items in that category are not for sale


Routine daily problems when you’re living on the countryside Items in that category are not for sale

Cracking in the passage of time

Cracks added as scars on a face as time goes by Items in that category are not for sale

Did you hear me?

I had this cute little guy, staring at me without moving for more than two minutes.  I am sure I heard him talking but it sounded gi…

Die in Gold

I had a wrapping paper on one hand, a spray on the other and two thoughts that were crossing my mind.  Kill him or let him live? Ite…

Digital Budapest

Flying over Budapest and the Danube looks like a gold wire connecting chip components Items in that category are not for sale

Escaping or Salvation?

Good Friday on a remote Greek village.  Not sure if it was more escaping for the mind or salvation for the soul, or maybe both Items…

Feed me

Mothers are always going to be mothers.  Mothers are always going to be feeders Items in that category are not for sale

Golden Apples

Radiant golden apples straight from the tree of life Items in that category are not for sale


The dizzy staircase of Tantalon Castle


I can see you but you can’t see me Items in that category are not for sale


There was that girl who was visiting in my sleep every now and then.  She was looking lost and confused.  I was always asking her na…

Live for Today

My very favourite one.  You will allow me to keep her story for myself Items in that category are not for sale

Live in Gold

I had a wrapping paper on one hand, a spray on the other and two thoughts that were crossing my mind.  Kill him or let him live? Ite…

Looking for the Bees

Flashing our colours inviting the bees Items in that category are not for sale


Two worlds completely different but not as far apart as they think they are Items in that category are not for sale

Nature’s Web

Not sure if it would be easier to escape a spider’s web rather a nature’s one Items in that category are not for sale

New Life

One of the most beautiful sights. Baby sheep and how they are changing their hair from black to white Items in that category are not…

Queen Candace Amanirenas

She was underestimated.  She made them pay for it Items in that category are not for sale

Queen Cobra

My own, personal, beloved queen of my heart Items in that category are not for sale

Rainy Glasgow

Glasgow looks better when it rains

Stirred or burned?

Was it the film or was it the actual flowers that can’t stand the heatwave? Items in that category are not for sale

Stormy Weather

Fearless sheep ignore the storm that is approaching Items in that category are not for sale

Think Green

Searching for background….can’t decide….green or grey? Items in that category are not for sale

Think Grey

Searching for background….can’t decide….grey or green? Items in that category are not for sale


I have a special niece in a special place and she has a special friend who she calls it….Tzartzalo Items in that category are not …


Veins of the Tree of Life Items in that category are not for sale


It’s just a log but it reminds me lot of the map of Westeros Items in that category are not for sale